Another blog post April 29, 2015 – Posted in: Blog news, Uncategorized

New delivery vehicles – now we’re even more environmental !

Ayame Flower shop is dedicated to enhancing the lives of our clients through customized floral designs, breathtaking bouquets and arrangements as well as event/seasonal décor in both residential and corporate settings. Our world class designers are committed to raising the bar while remaining on the peak of industry trends through evolving artistic design and personalized customer service.

We have recently launched our weekly specials!

This category will feature different bouquets every Monday, with fresh picks from the nursery. Do take note that they will only be available for the week!

Our aim is to change the mindset of gifting and purchasing flowers. It is great to buy flowers for birthdays, name days, weddings. Though, there are plenty of other reasons out there as life is full of happenings and random moments when you just simply want to make someone smile.

Suspendisse non nisl sit amet velit hendrerit rutrum. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci.

  • Nam quam nunc,
  • blandit vel, luctus pulvinar,
  • hendrerit id, lorem.

Suspendisse enim turpis, dictum sed, iaculis a, condimentum nec, nisi. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum, sem libero volutpat nibh, nec pellentesque velit pede quis nunc. Etiam feugiat lorem non metus.
Nulla neque dolor, sagittis eget, iaculis quis, molestie non, velit. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus..

Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris at ligula. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Sed hendrerit. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium.